This post was a long time coming, even though I tried my level best to avoid it. There comes a time when one cannot continue to avoid something that’s right there, staring at them, all the time. There comes a time when one has to address the elephant in the room. That time, whether I like it or not, is now. And god, what an elephant it is. I think, however, before we begin, some context is due. There is, in my mind at least, a valid reason I wanted to avoid writing this. But in my battle against writing about- you guessed it- the global pandemic we are currently facing, I ended up avoiding writing entirely . That, obviously, isn’t healthy. Thus, she surrenders. She writes. There are a couple of reasons why I didn’t want to do this, honestly- there’s too much content like this out there already, it’s just giving this entire situation more publicity, I could go on. But the main reason why I didn’t want to write about our current times is a lot more personal, a lot mor...
If you were to condense the fibre of my being into letters, numbers, and symbols, I'm pretty sure it would look a little bit like this. Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay.